What is a Determiner ? | English Grammar | Types of Grammar
(A) • Used with singular nouns
• Comes before words that begin with a consonant
a friendly smile a piece of gum a dragon
(An) • Used with singular nouns
• come before words that begin with a vowel
an orange an enormousmos moustache
(The) • Used with singular or plural nouns
• often used to identify a particular person, place or thing among many
the oak trees the kitchen the lamp
The choice between a and an is determined by sound. The following words begin with a vowel but do not start with a vowel sound : a university, a one rupee coin
So here a is used before the noun that starts with a vowel.
Similarly we have some words that start with a consonant but have a vowel sound: an hour, an heir
Here an is used before the noun that starts with a constant.
Possessive Determiners
Note ...
That (in case of plural: Those) : It is also used to avoid repetition of preceding nouns in a sentence.
eg. My bat is better than that of my friend.
Our engineers are better than those of US.
Ordinal Numbers
We normally add a to the end of a cardinal number to make it an ordinal number. Be careful of the speeling exceptions below:
1st First
2nd Second
3rd third
4th fourth
5th fifth
6th sixth
7th seventh
8th eighth
9th ninth
10th tenth
Uses of Ordinal Numbers
Dates: Her Birthday is on the '29th'.
Centuries: Shakespeare was born in the '16th' century.
Sequence/order: My team came 'second' in the league
Floors of a Building: His office is on the 'tenth' floor.
Count Uncount
A Book Some Water
Some Books Much water
Any Books How much water ?
A lot of many Books Enough water
A few Books A little water
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