Class 10th Science Life processes chapter 6 important notes


    Chapter at a Glance 

1. The various life processes which takes place in the living organisms are called metabolic activities or metabolism. This life processes can either be anabolic or catabolic in nature. 

2. Nutrition, respiration, transportation and excretion are some of the life processes that are essential for the functioning as well as maintenance of living organisms.

3. Energy is needed to maintain a state of order in any living organism.

4. Nutrition is defined as a process by which living organisms procure food or synthesise it and convert it into simple absorbable formed by a series of biochemical processes.

5. Nutrient can be defined as the the substance which an organism obtains from its surrounding and use it as a source of energy as well as provides raw materials for the biosynthesis of body constituents.

6. There are two basic modes of nutrition :  autotrophic and heterotrophic.

7. In autotrophic nutrition organisms manufacture their own food from simple inorganic raw materials. Majority of green plants are capable of manufacturing their own food in the presence of light by using water and carbon dioxide.

8. Heterotrophic organisms cannot prepare their own food. They are dependent on plants, animals or on dead decaying organic materials for their food. Saprophytes derive their  nourishment from dead decaying matter.

9. Holozoic nutrition is a mode of nutrition which involves swallowing of solid food material. Ingestion, digestion, absorption, assimilation and egestion are the various steps involved in holozoic nutrition.

10. In animals, procurement of food is highly variable. The process of nutrition becomes more Complex in multicellular organism as compared to unicellular organisms. In single-celled organism like Amoeba, the food is taken in through the General Body surface.

11. In humans, the digestive system consists of a long alimentary cannal and digestive glands. Various parts of alimentary canal in sequence are mouth, oesophagus, stomach, small intestine and large intestine.

12. In mouth, food is crushed by teeth and mixed with saliva, secreted by salivary gland. Saliva contains an enzyme called salivary amylase that breaks down starch into simple sugar.

13. Stomach is a large C-shaped hollow organ which expands when food enters it. The muscular walls of the stomach help in mixing the food thoroughly, with the gastric secretions.

14. The gastric glands present in the Wall of the stomach secrete hydrochloric acid, a protein digesting enzyme called pepsin and mucus.

15. From stomuch, the partially digested food (chyme) enters the small intestine. The exit of food from the stomach is regulated by a sphincter muscle which releases it in small amounts into the small intestine.

16. The length of the small intestine differs in various animals depending on the feeding habit. Herbivores have longer small intestine (due to high bulk of vegetal matter and cellulose) as compared to carnivores (due to smaller bulk of animal food). 

   To be Continued....



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