Class - X science chapter - Metals and non Metals
1).Metals : metals show metallic
lustre, are generally hard,malleable
and ductile. They are good
conductors of heat and electricity.
2).Metals are sonorous : metals
produce a sound when they strike a
hard surface. We Express it by
saying that metals are sonorous.
That it why school bells are made of
3). Non metals : substances like
carbon, sulphur and iodine are non
metals. They are either solid or gas
with the exception of bromine which
is liquid.
4).Exceptions :
(i) Metals in general have high
melting points. But mercury, gallium
and Celsium have low melting points
and are liquids at room
(ii) Iodine, a non-metal, show lustre.
(iii) Diamond, an allotrope of carbon,
is the hardest natural substance
known. Graphite, another allotrope
of carbon, is a conductor of
Elements can be classified as metals and non-metals on the basis of their chemical properties
Metal... |
Activity series or relative reactivites of metals.
K potassium most reactive
Na Sodium
Ca Calcium
Mg Magnesium
Al Aluminium
Zn Zinc Reactivity decreases
Fe Iron
Pb Lead
H Hydrogen
Cu Copper
Hg Mercury
Ag Silver
Au Gold Least
6). Reaction of metals with oxygen :
magnesium burns in air easily to
produce magnesium oxide. But not
all metals combine with oxygen
easily. Some metals require heating
for combination with oxygen.
For example :
2Cu +O/2 ----❯ 2CuO
Copper (II) oxide
4Al +3o/2 ----❯ 2Al/2o/3
Aluminium oxide
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