Life process chapter 6 class 10th
Lymphatic System
Lymph and its associated parts constitute lymphatic system. It consists of:
1. Lymph
Lymph is a colourless or straw coloured fluid connective tissue. It is another medium for circulation in human body. Source of lymph is blood. Some amount of plasma, proteins and blood cells escape into the intercellular spaces present in tissues through the pores present in blood capillaries to form lymph or tissue fluid.
2. Lymph capillaries
Interwoven with the blood capillaries are present lymph capillaries which are blind at one end. They have very thin walls. Lymph flows in lymph capillaries.
3. Lymph Vessels
Lymph capillaries join to form lymph Vessels. Lymph Vessels resemble the veins in structure but have thinner walls and more valves. The smaller lymph Vessels join to form larger vessels, which unite to form two main lymphatic vessels or trunks. These vessels open into veins.
4. Lymph nodes
At intervals throughput the course of lymph Vessels are present bead- like swellings called lymph nodes.
Functions of Lymph
• It acts as a middle man and helps in the exchange of various materials between blood and body tissues.
• It carries lymphocytes and antibodies from Lymph nodes to the blood.
• It absorbs fats from the intestine and transports them to the blood.
• It destroys microorganisms and foreign particles in the lymph nodes.
• It drains excess of tissue fluid from intercellular spaces back into the blood.
• It carries the plasma proteins synthesised by the liver cells and hormones from endocrine glands to the blood.
• It supplies nutrients and oxygen to those parts where blood cannot reach.
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