Class 10th science chapter 6 life process
Excretion in plants
Like animals plants also produce a number of waste products but they have no special organs for waste removal. They remove their waste products by different methods. Some of these methods of waste removal are as under:
• carbon dioxide water are wastes produced during Respiration. Oxygen is produced during photosynthesis.
All these wastes are removed through the stomata present on the surface of leaves or lenticels present on stem. Carbon dioxide is excreted by plants during night while oxygen is excreted by plants during day time. Water is excreted from plants in the form of water vapour by the process of Transpiration. It is excreted at day time as well as night.
• some of the waste products collect in the leaves, barks and fruit of the plants.
• plants get rid of these wastes by shedding off leaves, peeling of barks and falling fruits.
• some of the plant wastes like excess salts get stored in the fruits in the form of solid bodies called raphides, yam is such a fruit. Raphides are made up of calcium oxalate crystals. These crystals are needle-shaped and hurt the throat on eating.
• A number of waste products are stored in cellular vacuoles.
• waste products such as gums, latex, essentials oils, etc. are stored in special tissues and glands. For example, mucilage is stored in mucilaginous ducts,.latex is stored in laticiferous tissue, resin is stored in dead permanent tissues such as heart wood.
• A number of waste products of plants are useful for human beings. Such wastes include oxygen, latex, resin, gums, alkaloids, essential oils, etc.
• some waste products are also excreted by plants into soil around them.
In the basis of state, waste products of plants are classified as
Solid wastes: Raphides, rubber, etc.
Liquid wastes: Eucalyptus oil, sandalwood oil, etc.
Gaseous wastes: oxygen and carbon dioxide.
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