Metals & non metals class 10 science...
• Metals are those elements which possess lustre when freshly cut and are malleable and ductile and good conductor of heat & electricity.
• Metals are those element which lose electrons and form positive ions.
Malleable: It means which can be beaten with hammer to form thin sheets without breaking.
Ductile: It means which can be drawn into wires.
Importance of Metals:
Metals are of great importance in our everyday life. They are used for a large number of purposes.
• Utensils used at home are made of metals.
• Metals are used in the construction of buildings and bridges.
• In making of almost all types of machine parts.
• In the manufacture of automobiles, aeroplanes, ships, trains etc.
• Silver & gold are used in making of jewellery.
• Non metals are those elements which do not possess lustre & are neither good conductor of heat& Electricity nor malleable & ductile but are brittle.
• Non-metals are those elements which gain electrons & form negative ions
Brittle: It means which breaks into pieces on hammering or stre
Importance of non metals:
Though the number of non- metals is small as compared to metals, yet they play a very important role in our everyday life.
• carbon: It is one of the most important non-metal. This is because all the life on this earth is based on carbon compounds for ex. Proteins, oils, fats,& vitamins.
• Oxygen: It is another non metal which is equally important for existence of life & combustion processes.
• Nitrogen: It is an inert gaseous non- metal. It's presence in the air reduces the rate of combustion.
• Sulphur: It is another non- metal which is present in many of the substances found in plants & animals.
• METALLIC LUSTRE: Metals in the the pure state possess lustre having a shining surface. Metals such as Aluminium & magnesium appear white, while copper is reddish brown.
• HARDNESS: Metals are generally hard. The hardness varies from metal to metal.
• MALLEABILITY: Metals are generally malleable they can be beaten into thin sheets.
• DUCTILITY: Metals are generally ductile, they can be drawn into wires.
Gold is the most ductile metal.
• THERMAL CONDUCTIVITY: Metals are good conductor of heat & possess high melting points.
• ELECTRICAL CONDUCTIVITY: Metals are good conductor of electricity, they allow Electricity to pass through them easily.
• NO LUSTRE: Non-metals do not possess any lustre. Only iodine has lustre, yet it is non metal.
• NON-MALLEABILITY& NON-DUCTILITY: In solid state, non metals are neither malleable nor ductile.
• BRITTLENESS: Non metals are soft & brittle they break into pieces when hammered. For ex. sulphur & phosphorus, on hammering, break & crumble.
Non- metals are generally poor conductors of heat & electricity. Graphite is an exception, as it is good conductor of electricity.
• NON-SONOROUS: Metals are non sonorous they do not produce any sound when hit with a hard object.
• NON METALS HAVE LOW DENSITY: Non metals are light elements. For ex. The density of phosphorus is 1.8 g/cm.
• LOW MELTING POINT & BOILING POINT: Diamond, graphite & boron are the exceptions as these are the non-metals with high melting points.
• METALS HAVE LOW TENSILE STRENGTH: Metals are easily broken.
• METALS MAY BE SOLIDS, LIQUIDS OR GASES AT ROOM TEMPERATURE: For ex.. carbon, sulphur, phosphorus & iodine are solid non-metals, bromine is a liquid non-metal which are hydrogen, oxygen, nitrogen & chlorine are gaseous non-metals.
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